Book Review: The Beau & The Belle by R.S. Grey


I stumbled across R.S. Grey aka authorrsgrey on Instagram nearly a year ago and I love her! She has such a fun Instagram account and a great sense of humour. Until recently though, I had not read any of her books. Then, a few weeks back I was watching one of her Insta stories and saw that she was taking applications for ARC's (Advanced Reading Copies) for her new book The Beau & The Belle. I'd never tried anything like that before, but I was so excited to read her new book that I instantly signed up. And I was lucky enough to receive an E-ARC!! Keep reading to find out more about The Beau & The Belle, and what I thought of my first R.S. Grey book :)

About The Beau & The Belle


Beau Fortier starred in most of my cringe-worthy teenage fantasies.

I met him when I was a junior in high school, a time that revolved exclusively around bad hair, failed forays into flirting, and scientific inquiries into which brand of toilet paper worked best for stuffing bras.

That is, until Beau moved into the small guest house just beyond my bedroom window.

A 24-year- old law student at Tulane, Beau was as mysterious to me as second base (both in baseball and in the bedroom). He was older. Intimidating. Hot. Boys my age had chicken legs and chubby cheeks. Beau had calloused hands and a jaw cut from steel. Our interactions were scarceβ€”mostly involving slight stalking on my endβ€”and yet deep down, I desperately hoped he saw me as more of a potential lover than a lovesick loser.

Turns out, I was fooling myself. My fragile ego learned that lesson the hard way. Now, ten years later, we're both back in New Orleans, and guess who suddenly can't take his eyes of little ol' me.My old friend, Mr. Fortier.But things have changed. I'm older now-poised and confident. My ego wears a bulletproof vest. The butterflies that once filled my stomach have all perished. When I was a teenaged, Beau warned me to guard my heart. Let's hope he knows how to guard his.

So... What Did I Think of The Beau & The Belle?

I loved it! I couldn't put it down and when I did have to drag myself away, I couldn't stop thinking about Beau and Lauren. It was a struggle stopping myself from staying awake all night just to finish it in one go. With every chapter I finished I was dying to find out what was going to happen next. Every chapter alternates between Beau's perspective and Lauren's which made my engagement in the story so much easier. I was really able to resonate with each of them. I can remember all too clearly being a lovesick teenager myself!R.S. Grey's writing style is very easy to read and I found myself completely unaware of anything happening around me whilst I was reading. The story was full of heartbreak, love, passion, colourful descriptions of New Orleans and so many laughs. I don't think I've ever actually laughed out loud like I did reading this.

My only negative point is that it wasn't long enough. I read it too quickly and I need more! I could easily have kept reading if the story had just kept going. I'm at a loss now and feel like I miss being in the story. Let's just say I'm hooked on R.S. Grey and I'm definitely going to read the rest of her books. Thanks for the opportunity to read and review R.S. Grey!I highly recommend reading The Beau & The Belle and I gave it 5 out of 5 stars on Goodreads.

Cheers, Jess :)